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Current Job Opportunities


John Muir Land Trust - Workforce Development Manager

Feed Black Futures - Food Justice Organizer and Food Justice Narrative Fellow


Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System ( - Junior Administrative Analyst


- Together Bay Area - Conservation Science Bird Banding Apprenticeships at Palomarin Field Station, Pt. Reyes, Geographic Information Systems Intern at Mid-Pen Open Space, Community Engagement Intern at Petaluma River Park, Marketing Intern at Petaluma River Park, Education Intern at Canopy, Tree Care Coordinator at Canopy

- River Partners - Wildland Seed Collection Assistant Manager, Plant Materials Sales Administrator, Restoration Ecologist, On-Call Restoration Biologist, Associate Restoration Scientist


- Urban Tilth - Graphic Designer and Social Media Manager;

Fund Development Associate

- MidPenn Open Space - Open Space Technician

- UC ANR - Community Educator for Small Farms Fresno

- EBRPD - Interpretive Student Aide 1

- Civicorps - Conservation Intern


- Student Conservation Association - Bay Area Community Program Manager


- CalCan - Operations Manager

- The Watershed Project - Green Collar Corps.

Updated 8/23/24

Updated 8/17/24

“The hands-on learning opportunities, quality of instruction, mentorship, and exposure to different green career pathways were exactly what I needed to find my niche – and, more importantly, hope and confidence in my abilities to contribute to a greener future!”

- K.F.